Friday, July 9, 2010


I dream of creating amazing works of art.

Whenever I listen to Arabesque by Debussy, or read a touching book, I think, "Why not me? Why can't I do that?" And it always frustrates me that my brain is about 90% logical thinking and 10% imaginative thinking.

So the reasons for me to revive this blog are twofold:
1) In order to improve my abilities of English expression and let more imagination out through that medium.
2) So that the reader, being a thoughtful individual, may learn something about life, or at least find what I write interesting. I will try my best to write in an entertaining way.
2a) Because I think this would be more productive way to waste my time than to play ping-pong against the wall.

I'm not intending to continue my event-by-event diary that I terminated some time ago; no-one wants to hear about my life. Indeed, one person the other day tried to summarise my life as follows: "maths math chinese rice maths maths sleep rice"
...Which is pretty accurate, but I would add the following to complete the list: chess flute badminton. The point is, writing about my life and getting other people to read it would be a bit egotistic, and I think it would be a lot more productive if I posted lots of my random observations on life here, because I have a lot of them and they go to waste otherwise.

But right now I'm going to do a self-introduction (ignore word 'egotistic' in previous sentence).

I read a lot ( for a list of good books I've read). I write too little. I am right too little of the time too, but I don't care, because I only care about niceness as opposed to intelligence. No amount of intelligence can equal the skill of being able to understand how someone is thinking or feeling and acting accordingly.

I wish that appearance wouldn't have an effect on how we judge people. But it does. And that means that beautiful people make friends more easily. But I've discovered that ugly people have one important advantage too - they make better friends. They don't have to distinguish between the superficially nice and the truly caring, which is made all the more important because we live in a world which is dominated by idiots who meet lots of people simply because they are social.

My life goal is to be a perfect person. I know you're going to think 'Perfect is impossible, go for more realistic goals, blah blah blah' but I don't care. If I can get very close to it, then I will have done all I can. Near-perfect is good enough. But what's the harm in setting goals higher?

Being shy is not a crime. Of course part of the reason I say this is because I am such a person myself, but one theory I believe in is that understanding is power. I understand chess, so I can use my understanding to crush amateurs. My friend understands how I think, so he can predict a lot of things I do (and I regret this very very much). So in my unpopular opinion, those who sit back and observe others are at an advantage compared to those who jump straight in, because they will have a better understanding of things, be able to better choose whom they talk to, etc. Also, many modest people are shy, and modesty in my opinion is one of the most important virtues to have.

I'm too tired. I'll stop writing now.
p.s. Please do not comment. (I hope you will be suspicious of my reverse psychology and comment just to annoy me. Or I could be employing double reverse psychology... Anyway it's your choice, but if there's something that can be improved, please do comment for my sake. And anonymous comments are possible as far as I know.)


Anonymous said...

Just putting it out there, but striving to become a perfect person easy. What is hard, is figuring out what a perfect person is. (Have a think and you'll find that it is simply impossible to rationally deduce any moral value or knowledge, let alone what perfection is).

Anonymous said...

Playing ping-pong against the wall is good exercise! Keeping healthy is not a waste of time.

Note: I am a different person to the other anonymous commenter.

Anonymous said...

No ur not. We are the same person.

Anonymous said...

"2) So that the reader, being a thoughtful individual, may learn something about life, or at least find what I write interesting. I will try my best to write in an entertaining way."
i loled.

"I'm not intending to continue my event-by-event diary that I terminated some time ago; no-one wants to hear about my life. "
don't worry. i do it everyday.

"maths math chinese rice maths maths sleep rice" someone by the initials of J.L. i'm presuming? unless one of your chess friends are being hypocritical

... no offence to... chess... people....

i like the use of the verb "crush" in "crush amateurs".


Job skills you have taught me NAUGHT!

This is a very anonymous post. i am keen to keep my anonymous identity. thank you.

P.S. blah blah blah. :D

MH said...

So.. what you're trying to say is that... to understand someone means that you have a larger capability to crush them? ;p